It’s Always Go Time

Project Title:



James Medical, a locally-owned business that offers home healthcare equipment, has been working with Creative Cat for over seven years. In the beginning, the company was looking for social media marketing. Over time, the partnership has grown into a higher-level marketing support. Jeff Castator, owner, trusts Creative Cat to help make strategic moves, reposition the company, and transform into Jeff’s vision for James Medical. That vision is to offer more of a showroom retail experience and shifting from insurance pay to private pay. To do so, the company focused on its marketing messaging and began on brand awareness campaigns to shift the consumer perceptions of the brand. In 2020, James Medical needed a campaign for its Fort4Fitness gold sponsorship. The objective was to boost awareness of their sports injury and mobility-related products.


Creative Cat developed a customer-centric campaign messaging strategy to resonate with an audience dedicated to activity, regardless of age or physical limitations. The tagline “It’s always go time” was developed to reflect a determination to keep up with life even as our bodies age. In 2020, the first release of the campaign, James Medical turned its Fort4Fitness sponsorship into an integrated campaign. This included limited-time promotions on social media to drive store traffic and extend its exposure through brand awareness initiatives like magazine ads, pop-up banners, and tee-shirts. In 2021, after seeing great success with the “It’s always go time,” Creative Cat turned the campaign into a meaningful storyline for a broadcast commercial. 


Today, Creative Cat continues to work alongside James Medical to help determine the next best strategic moves in their shift to a private pay, retail experience.

The Impact


Broadcast reach


Organic Social reach at launch


Organic Engagements


Avg. Cost per click


Organic ThruPlays / Month


Organic Impressions / month

Their Feedback

60-Second spot

It's Always Go Time

30-Second Spot


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